At St. Lawrence, we are proud of being an inclusive school, where we can find and nurture the potential in every child.
In September 2020, the school, in conjunction with the Local Authority Special Needs team, established a SEN hub. Hubs are being established across the county to ensure more localised provision for the growing number of learners who are able to access a mainstream curriculum but find accessing a mainstream classroom challenging due to social difficulties, sensory sensitivities and high levels of anxiety.
Our provision provides specialist support for up to eight primary aged children who have a range of complex needs in communication and interaction and may have additional co-existing conditions requiring specialist support and interventions. Some of these children may have a diagnosis of autism.
Children are placed at the specialist provision by the local authority following consultation with the school. Children who are placed in the hub access most elements of the mainstream provision whilst following a highly personalised learning programme, being able to access our separate classroom base if needed. There is always a close liaison between the mainstream staff and hub staff to ensure effective transition when it is appropriate. We take a very practical approach to the delivery of our curriculum.